We believe in long-term growth, driven by principled and integrity centered management


Our Focus

Big Branch Capital is focused on investment opportunities where the primary operations are in the United States. The criteria below provides a guideline for what we are seeking - we understand that every business is unique and very few display all of these traits.



  • Sustainable competitive advantage in a stable or growing market niche

  • Recurring revenue streams from a loyal, diverse customer base

  • Minimal ongoing capital requirements

  • Identifiable growth and / or margin improvement opportunities

  • Solid middle management and happy employees


  • Owner seeking partial or full liquidity and ownership transition

  • Retiring owner/operator without a successor in place

  • Serial entrepreneur ready to transition to the next venture

  • Owner / Operator looking to reduce role in the business

  • Seeking an experienced board of directors and management capabilities


  • Big Branch is generally industry-agnostic and open to investments across a wide array of sectors

  • Services or minimal manufacturing

  • Large and fragmented market

  • A growing industry with low risk of adverse regulatory change

  • Low revenue volatility


  • Historical and projected profit and positive cash flows

  • Significant recurring or high repeat revenue


Feel free to reach out to us for a quick and confidential discussion regarding whether we might be the right partner for you.